Discover Big Dreams with the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program!

Discover Big Dreams with the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program!

Hey there, future scholars! Did you know there's a super cool program that can help you go to college for free? It's called the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program, and it's like a golden ticket for students who want to learn and work in fields like farming, science, and nature. Let's dive into what this program is all about!

What is the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program?

Imagine going to college without having to worry about paying for tuition, books, or even your dorm room—that's what this program offers! It helps students from smaller towns or communities who want to study food, plants, animals, and lots of other cool stuff related to nature. The best part? You get to do some of your learning outside the classroom at places run by the USDA, which is a big organization that takes care of farming and nature in the United States.

Who Can Join?

If you're a high school senior or already in college, and you're thinking about studying things like agriculture (that's farming and food production), animal science (learning about animals), or environmental science (protecting our planet), then this program is for you. You need to be really good in school (with a GPA of 3.0 or more) and ready to show that you're a leader and care about your community.

Where Can You Study?

There are 19 special colleges called the 1890 Land-Grant Universities where you can study with this scholarship. These schools are spread all over the country and are known for being awesome places to learn about agriculture and the environment. Some of these schools include:

  • Alabama A&M University
  • Florida A&M University
  • Tennessee State University
  • Tuskegee University, Alabama
  • Virginia State University

...and many more!

How Can You Apply?

To get this amazing scholarship, you'll need to fill out an application form, get some letters that say how great you are from people like your teachers, and make sure your school grades are really good. The application time starts on December 15, 2023, and ends on March 1, 2024, so don't miss out!

Why Should You Apply?

Because it's a chance to go to college, learn cool stuff, and not worry about how to pay for it! You'll make new friends, learn from the best teachers, and get ready for a job where you can help feed the world, take care of our planet, or make sure animals are healthy and happy.

So, if you're a high school senior or a college student who dreams big and wants to make a difference in the world, the USDA 1890 National Scholars Program might just be the perfect start for your adventure! Check it out and get ready to apply—you could be on your way to doing something amazing!

For any questions or to get started with your application, just talk to your school counselor or visit the USDA website for all the details. This is your chance to chase your dreams, so go for it!

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